Force and Reason: Advice from a Mongol Khan to Pope Francis

The “force of reason” and the “reason of force” have been central to the relationship between ideology/religion and political/military power in Europe and the Mediterranean—and later the world—for millennia. The combined strength of the Aristotelian argument and the Macedonian phalanx enabled not only the rapid conquests of Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC […]

Empire and Christianity: No Water for Pilate’s Hands

The history of Jesus is also that of walking a very fine line—a radical critique of the Roman imperial order (intertwining religious and political power) without aiming to topple or replace the Empire. Jesus contrasts the deification of the emperor with the presence of God in a marginal Jewish “prophet’s” everyday life. The two can […]

Serious questions about Christianity and religions

There may be a missing bridge, a missing brother between the billion Catholics or self-proclaimed such, the Church, and people of other faiths. There may be other scriptures giving different names to their gods—the search for a theology beyond scriptures. It doesn’t eliminate scriptures, but it goes into a hitherto empty space unoccupied by scriptures, […]